3 Reasons Why You Should Get A Teacher To Help You Even When Learning On Your Own Seems Easy

by Maurice Richard

Have you started to learn to play guitar one your own and things seems to be going really well for you?

That's really awesome! People like you are the envy of many new guitar students who have to struggle through the early phases of guitar.

My wife was able to easily learn to play guitar. She found her dad's guitar and a copy of a song that would scare most beginners away because it had an F chord!!!

And although she had some good success, what happened is she ended up getting stuck at a certain level and then got bored because she did not know how to get beyond it.

This seems to happen often so let's help you avoid this right now!

Here are 3 reasons why you should invest your time and money to hire a guitar teacher even when you are doing ok teaching yourself.

1. You Will Progress Even Faster

When you are learning to play guitar on your own you have to guess at the way to do things. How would you know the best way to do them?

You are not usually aware of this because you are not trained to see it. But every time you learn a new chord shape and then learn to change between them you have to decide on the best way to go about it.

That's where the problems can start. Without a trained teacher you can easily pick the wrong way to do something which can slow you down because you will usually choose the harder way without knowing it.

That can mean a lot more time and effort to master that specific area of your playing and possibly require you to unlearn it later on.

If things come easy for you then a guitar teacher will enhance this ability which means you will progress at an even higher rate than you could on your own.

You can literally cut years off the learning curve and really become a great player much faster than you could any other way.

2. You Will Not Get Stuck

One of the biggest problems for people who manage to teach themselves to play is getting stuck.

What usually happens is that you figure out some basic chords, start to learn a few songs, and then practice that.

But after a while, you realize that you can only play a few songs or chords and keep playing the same things over an over again.

Two common problems at this stage are not knowing how to break out of the slump or not being able to play more complex chords like F or barred chords.

I get students like this all the time and they usually regret not getting someone to help them because by the time I see them they have been spinning their wheels in the same place for a long time.

Had they gotten a teacher from the start they would be so much further along already and looking to really push their skills.

3. You Will Learn To Play And Sound Good Sooner

When you learn to do things the right way the first time it not only takes you less time to progress it also takes a lot less time to sound good.

That's because most of the problem with sounding good is technical and usually tied to using the wrong techniques when forming or changing between chords.

You could overcome this through trial and error or you can just learn to adapt your playing using your flawed technique. It can be done, many have managed to do it.

However, the vast majority of people never figure it out. Why? Because the trial and error method takes a lot of time and is be very frustrating.

Having someone help you see these problems early on will mean you save a lot of time, effort and energy and you will sound good and be confident much sooner.

Give Yourself The Best Chance To Become A Great Player

If learning to play guitar comes easy for you then you have a huge advantage over most of us! You have an awesome opportunity to shorten the time it takes to become a truly great player.

My wife, who also plays guitar, was able to teach herself how to play and it came easily. However, she ended up getting stuck after a few years.

Because she did not seek out a professional teacher to help guide her she ended up learning the basics and staying there and having no idea how to move to the next level.

She got frustrated and because of that stopped playing for nearly 20 years. Imagine how far and how good she could have gotten if she had someone to help her along the way?

I don't know about you but I prefer to do things the easiest and quickest way possible and get as far as I can when it comes to my guitar skills. You probably are the same way!

About The Author:

Maurice Richard is a professional guitar teacher that operates out of the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He has been a member of an elite guitar teaching mentorship program since 2007 and has taught many people how to learn to play guitar. He teaches acoustic and electric guitar students how to progress much faster than they have before through the internet or other teachers in his area.

© Maurice Richard Music. All rights reserved. Reproduced on kitaratunnitturku.com with permission.